Welcome to the World’s
One & Only
Permanent Hair Removal

Welcome to the
World of Electrolysis

Godly Electrology

Minneapolis, MN’s Apilus Center

1900 Hennepin Avenue, Unit 4
Minneapolis, MN 55403

Private Client Inquiry

Those seeking to become a private client may apply online. We don’t respond to voice messages or unrecognized calls nad texts.
With a Warm Heart…
We serve clients whose hair removal needs are deeply personal and private. We welcome individuals with medical referrals.

Electrology Permanent Hair Removal

One of thousands of Apilus Centers throughout the world, we operate the world’s Number One brand of electrolysis equipment that guarantees 100% permanent hair removal.

Since 1875, electrolysis has been and remains the only 100% permanent hair removal method recognized by government regulatory agencies. Indeed, electrolysis permanently destroys germ cells responsible for hair growth by way of insertion of a fine probe in the hair follicle and the application of a current adjusted to each hair types and treatment area.

Thanks to modern technology, Apilus electrolysis devices have revolutionized permanent hair removal treatments.

The creators of Apilus have designed a state-of-the-art computerized electrolysis machine that limits the level of destruction within the hair follicle, targeting only germ cells. This consequently protects the skin while preventing new hair growth.

Apilus offers advanced technology with proven effectiveness in the field of permanent hair removal. Already in use in thousands of centers throughout the world, Apilus electrolysis systems have demonstrated time and again that they deliver more effective and more comfortable treatments, as well as much more rapid, permanent results, more than any other hair removal method.
Owing to its powerful circuits and stable currents, Apilus offers professional electrologists pinpoint precision capabilities and optimal settings that deliver the results clients seek. People can finally say goodbye to unwanted hair, whether it be facial hair or body hair. Apilus, the gentle way to 100% permanent hair removal. Don’t settle for anything less!

“Dectro International”

About Godly Electrology Permanent Hair Removal

Godly Electrology is a member of the American Electrology Association, promoting integrity and the maintaining of professional competence through continuing education. Thanks to Dectro International, the creator of the world’s leading, modern electrolysis system and hygiene skin care products, Godly Electrology provides clients with complete, quality 100% permanent hair removal treatment right here in our home city of Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Client records and other personal information (including photos, video, and conversations) are considered private and confidential unless disclosure is mandated by federal or state statute, by court process, or consented to by the client.
Godly Electrology establishes client relationships with respect, and acknowledges the rights and diversity of others. We require the same in return from clients in order to protect our reputation, safety and wellbeing.

Godly Electrology adheres to the standards and practices outlined by the American Electrology Association. We respect the knowledge, opinions and suggestions of fellow members of the association and other electrolysis professionals. Through these acts Godly Electrology serves clients with the best, present knowledge while protecting and advancing the electrology profession.

We operate the world’s leading electrolysis equipment, the Apilus xCell Pro. Through the use of advanced equipment and quality treatment products, along with continued education and involvement with local electrology professionals, Godly Electrology will always be improving and providing the best treatment possible for clients.

Godly Electrology exercises professional treatment procedures, discretion of care, and transparent evaluations in the use of electrology treatment procedures for each client. Due to the length of time for treatments, and the varied needs of our clients, we remain flexible. The schedule for your treatment will be determined and discussed during your initial consultation before scheduling the first appointment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Electrolysis is a method of removing individual hairs from the face or body. A fine probe is inserted into the hair follicle, and a tiny amount of electrical current is applied to destroy the hair root. This process permanently prevents regrowth.

Yes, electrolysis is effective for all skin and hair types. Unlike laser hair removal, which works best on light skin and dark hair, electrolysis can target any hair color or texture. It’s suitable for sensitive areas and works on fine, light-colored hair that lasers cannot treat effectively.

Electrolysis is generally tolerated well by most individuals. The sensation varies from person to person, but it can be described as a slight stinging or heat sensation during treatment. Topical numbing creams are available to minimize discomfort.

The number of sessions required varies depending on the area being treated, the density of hair, and individual factors. Multiple sessions are typically needed to treat hair follicles in their various growth stages. A series of appointments spaced over several months to a year may be necessary for permanent results.

Side effects are generally minimal. Immediately after treatment, you may experience redness or slight swelling, but these typically subside within a few hours. Occasionally, temporary skin irritation or changes in skin pigment can occur, especially with improper technique or aftercare. It’s important to consult with a trained electrologist to minimize these risks.

Yes, electrolysis is considered a permanent hair removal method. During electrolysis, each treated hair is destroyed using electrical energy delivered to a microscopic, pin-point location in the hair follicle, preventing future hair growth. However, it’s important to note that electrolysis requires multiple sessions to treat all hair follicles in the desired area, as hair grows in cycles. Once the hair follicle is successfully treated, hair will not grow back. Electrolysis is recognized as the only FDA-approved method for permanent hair removal.

Electrolysis is the only method approved by the FDA for permanent removal of unwanted hair. As the hair is treated, regrowth is prevented rather than just removed temporarily. Only electrolysis provides both hair removal and hair elimination.

Electrolysis is the only method approved by the FDA for permanent removal of unwanted hair. As the hair is treated, regrowth is prevented rather than just removed temporarily. Only electrolysis provides both hair removal and hair elimination.

Anchorage Alaska member of the American Electrology Association

A. E. A.

American Electrology Association

Action De Gala Skin Care products for post-treatment care after your hair removal treatment in Anchorage Alaska

Action De Gala Skin Care

Dectro International

American Institute of Education

A. I. E.

American Institute of Education

Apilus xCell Technology

Having years of experience using Apilus xCell in Hawaii and Alaska, Godly Electrology  now serves Minnesotans with the Apilus xCell Pro. Clients benefit from its trademark quality, touch screen, personalized treatment programs, and effective 27.12MHz operating frequency. Its features add up to the perfect combination, setting a new standard in the field of 100% permanent hair removal and raising the efficiency, speed and comfort of previous device generations to a whole new level of service and results.

Increased Power from Previous Generations

If today’s electrolysis is efficient, rapid and very comfortable, it’s surely thanks to the unique 27.12 MHz radio frequency of Apilus xCell. It greatly surpasses previous 5MHz and 13.56MHz operating frequencies, and propels this technology to even greater heights by combining the increased power with artificial intelligence modes. This results in unparalleled, 100% permanent hair removal, with clients reporting greater levels of comfort during treatments.

Exceptional Comfort During Treatment

Comfort is specifically achieved by the ultrafast 27.12MHz power delivery and exclusive treatment techniques. Individual hair treatments are performed so quickly that the sensation is barely noticeable. Mere thousandths of a second are enough to eliminate unwanted hair! By offering such a high level of comfort, the Apilus xCell has become the preferred solution for removing hair from sensitive areas of the body.

Apilus xCell Pro frequencies for Minneapolis MN hair removal

Apilus xCell Pro frequencies for Minneapolis MN hair removal

Apilus xCell Pro offers Exceptional Effectiveness & Comfort

Combined with a new standard of 27.12MHz (thousands per second) operating frequency, the Aplilus xCell utilizes programmed treatment modes listed below.

New & Exclusive Treatment Modes: PicoFlash, MeloFlash, MultiPlex, PicoBlend, OmniBlend, MultiBlend
Additional Modes: Synchro, EvoluBlend, SynchroBlend

These user friendly and customizable modes are specific to gender, body area and hair type. Due to its range of use, effectiveness and speed of operation, the Apilus xCell has become the preferred solution for all types of clients and all body areas, including the most sensitive ones!


Along with recognized treatment modes like PicoFlash, Synchro (patented) and EvoluBlend, the Apilus xCell offers electrologists two new methods of hair removal: MeloFlash and SynchroBlend. Combined with new programs specially optimized for men and women, these top of the line, exclusive techniques will achieve 100% permanent hair removal in record time!


Along with recognized treatment modes like PicoFlash, Synchro (patented) and EvoluBlend, the Apilus xCell offers electrologists two new methods of hair removal: MeloFlash and SynchroBlend. Combined with new programs specially optimized for men and women, these top of the line, exclusive techniques will achieve 100% permanent hair removal in record time!


Public Health Protocols and Check-in

We respectfully follow CDC recommended protocols regarding global health challenges, to include newly reported concerns. We have a responsibility to care for each other, so please help us in our efforts to mitigate the spread of illness and disease. Let’s be mindful of the health concerns of others, learn how to protect our future, and refrain from any radical behavior. Remember that everyone is following the rules for your safety, as you will for others. Your understanding and cooperation is greatly appreciated.

What to expect when checking in

  1. Only the person receiving treatment will be permitted to enter the office.
  2. Wearing a mask is a personal choice, but we must require clients to show original CDC-ID proof of vaccination when you arrive.
  3. If you are visiting after a day of work, please bring a clean, comfortable outfit for when you are on the treatment table. Head cover is your choice or we may kindly offer. Bring comfortable, clean socks, although we do offer feet covers to clients. We may ask you to put your shoes into a plastic bag due to weather or other conditions. 
  4. Drugs and illegal substances are not permitted on the premises.
  5. You should not not partake in consuming drugs or other consumables—to include caffein—that will make you more sensitive to the electrolysis treatment. We kindly request all clients to maintain their composure during treatment.
  6. We ask all clients to arrive ON TIME (not too early) prior to their appointment time.
    Your appointment will be cancelled if you are late without notice.
  7. We request that you reach out to us by phone/text to announce when you have arrived.
  8. Avoid coming in with large or heavy bags.
  9. Phones must be OFF when inside the treatment room.
  10. Clients cannot take video or photos of the treatment office or record conversations without our full consent.

Get In Touch with Us

We are unable to respond to UNRECOGNIZED incoming voice messages, calls or texts.

All Godly Electrology clients receive daily consultation, a friendly chat during pre-treatment prep and after treatment. This is a necessary service covered by the treatment fee.

Godly Electrology’s 1-hour session fee is $82.

We offer 40-minutes sessions for $61.

Maintenance sessions are available to prior Godly Electrology clients from 25 to 40 minutes for $42, after completing the hair removal area.

We currently only accept Cash and Check. Other payment options will be available soon.

Godly Electrology
1900 Hennepin Ave, Unit 204
Minneapolis, MN 55403

Call, Text or Facetime: (651) 206-8116